01 June 2013

we can share what we got of yours, 'cause we done shared all of mine

     In the short time I have lived in Lao, I find it no different than the surrounding countries. The people are struggling to survive and they see a rich foreigner and want my money. The difference in Lao is that they don’t come out and ask for it. Instead they get angry with me because I won’t hire them to do my laundry, cook for me, clean for me, and do yard work for me. They don’t understand that I am not wealthy and from a world perspective, I am a poor man. They will, however, steal from me. Even with a fence and locked gates around my house, anything left outside will be gone in the morning, tools, chairs, water hose, clothes line, even part of a light fixture! I am told that the Lao people live a community-based lifestyle. When one needs something in anothers yard, they go take it. This only works if everyone does this. Me, I’m not going to go into someone’s yard and take things, I think that is stealing. My question is, if this is a ‘community-based’ lifestyle, why are so many bars being put on windows, and fences being built? I’m not talking about simple fences to keep the animals out, I’m talking about cement posts, metal grills between, and spikey metal along the top. Another question is why does everyone bring their motorcycle inside the house at night? Seems to me there is a contradiction here, between this ‘community’ living and private property.

     I think I am living in Lao at a time of transition, between their way of life of thousands of years, and the modern world. Most families have a television, and since there are no Lao tv shows, they watch Thai tv shows. Well, Thailand is easily twenty years ahead of Lao, and they have loads of advertisements. When the Lao people watch these commercials, they want things. This is what tv and advertising is all about. In this case it is to manipulate the people and have them give up thousands of years of culture, so they can buy things they don’t need. Of course, the banking system sees opportunity, because this is what they do, manipulate the people to get a little bit of money from a lot of people. This is why the local Lao population can now buy building materials, motos, washing machines, dryers, refrigerators, etc. The problem is that the interest rate is 25%, so the Lao people, who struggle to feed themselves, are now in debt for the first time in their lives. And at this interest rate, they will be in debt for generations to come. The Lao people watch the Thai tv and see them living in big houses and having all the stuff to put inside, and they want it all too.

     Now, here I come to live in Lao, ignorant of all this, because nobody ever tells you these things. All the books and websites say how great Lao is. The few people I knew ahead of time say how great Lao is. The travelers I talk with, say that Lao is their favorite country in Southeast Asia. This is because they see so many smiling people and nobody is trying to get their money. Well, live here a short time and you too, will realize that the Lao people want your money. I think Lao is in a time of transition to the modern world, but the country lacks a vital part, industry. There are no jobs for the people. The Lao people buy all this stuff yet have no job to pay their debts. The banking system already figured this out because to get a loan, the Lao people had to put up their land and/or house as collateral. I think this will create some problems for the local population in the future. Maybe living in the Lao countryside is not such a good idea, a city might be better, as more people in the city have jobs.

     I have learned a great deal over the little time I have lived in Lao. This is not the place I thought it was, and life here is a daily struggle. Living in the countryside, in a small village, has given me a perspective I would not get in the city. Maybe it was best to live here first. I’m currently thinking of looking for a small rental house in the city of Pakse. It may take me a few months to work this out, but I am paid up the next couple months, where I currently live. I think it would be good to get another view of this country, and living six months in a small village and living six months in a city, would give me a more complete picture of Lao. Thanks for reading, cheers!!!


1 comment:

  1. Wow, Mark, you HAVE learned an incredible amount. I'm impressed with your patience, courage, and perspective, knowing that what you've gleaned could not have been attained in the city. Thanks for sharing all this, and for the recent email to me. Keep on taking care of yourself, and give in to the lure of air-conditioning!
